Journal articles
Book chapters
Book reviews
Commissioned work
Adler-Nissen, R and K Kropp (eds.) (2016)
A Sociology of Knowledge of European Integration The Social Sciences in the Making of Europe, New York and London: Routledge (Journal of European Integration Special Issues)
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
Opting Out of the European Union: Diplomacy, Sovereignty and European Integration, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (both hardback and paperback)
(Reviewed in Foreign Affairs (Andrew Moravcsik), International Affiars (Anand Menon), Global Affairs (Ayse Zarakol), International Studies Review (Gorm Rye Olsen), LSE Review of Books (Amani El Sehrawey). Winner of the Susan Strange best book award 2015 of the British International Studies Association and co-winner of the International Studies Association IPS Section’s 2015 book award.
Adler-Nissen, R and U Gad (eds.) (2012)
European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories, New York and London: Routledge (New International Relations series) (both hardback and paperback)
(Reviewed in Journal of Common Market Studies (Joren Verschaeve), Island Studies Journal (Paul Sutton), Politik (Hanne Petersen), The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs (Paul Clegg)
Adler-Nissen, R (ed.) (2012)
Bourdieu in International Relations: Rethinking Key Concepts in IR, New York and London: Routledge (New International Relations series) (both hardback and paperback)
Reviewed in European Societies (Jens Anholtz), Internasjonal Politikk (Kristi Stuvøy).
Adler-Nissen, R and T Gammeltoft-Hansen eds. (2008)
Sovereignty Games: Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and Beyond, New York: Palgrave (Palgrave Studies in Governance, Security and Development).
Reviewed in Political Geography (John Agnew), Internasjonal Politik (Benjamin de Carvalho)
Adler-Nissen, R and R Knudsen (2005)
Forenet i mangfoldighed? EU’s forfatningstraktat i demokratiteoretisk perspektiv, [United in Diversity? EU’s Constitutional Treaty in Democratic Theory Perspective], Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, based on MA thesis, received the Gold Medal/highest distinction of the University of Copenhagen.
Journal articles
Adler-Nissen, R and K Eggeling (2022)
Blended Diplomacy: The Entanglement and Contestation of Digital Technologies in Everyday Diplomatic Practice. European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 28, No. 3, 640-666.
Petersen, MB, LB Christiansen, A Bor, MF Lindholt, F Jørgensen, R Adler-Nissen, A Roepstorff and S Lehmann (2022)
Communicating Hope to Motivate the Public during Covid-19, Nature, Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, 2502.
Johansen, N, VS Marjanovic, VC Kjaer, RB Baglini and R Adler-Nissen (2022)
Ridiculing the “tinfoil Hats”: Citizen responses to COVID-19 misinformation in the Danish facemask debate on Twitter, Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, March 2022.
Adler-Nissen, R, K Eggeling and P Wangen (2021)
Machine Anthropology: A View from International Relations, special issue contribution Big Data and Society, Vol. 8(2) online first, 1-6.
Eggeling, K and R Adler-Nissen (2021)
The Synthetic Situation in Diplomacy: Scopic Media and the Digital Mediation of Estrangement, Global Studies Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2,1–14.
Madvig, F, M Achiam, R Adler-Nissen, N Johansen and L Whiteley (2022)
Coming Closer to Citizens? Frustrated Dialogue on the Danish Health Authority’s Facebook Page During COVID-19, Frontiers in Communication, Vol. 7, 822471.
Hansen, L, R Adler-Nissen and KE Andersen (2021)
The visual international politics of the European refugee crisis: Tragedy, humanitarianism, borders, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 56, No. 4, 367-393.
Adler-Nissen, R and A Zarakol (2021)
Struggles for Recognition: The Liberal International Order and the Merger of its Discontents, International Organization, forthcoming.
Adler-Nissen, R, KE Andersen and L Hansen (2020)
Images, emotions, and international politics: the death of Alan Kurdi,
Review of International Studies, Vol. 46, No. 1, 75-95.
Svendsen, Ø and R Adler-Nissen (2019)
Differentiated (Dis)integration in Practice: The Diplomacy of Brexit and the Low Politics of High Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 57, No. 6, 1419-1430.
Hjorth, F and R Adler-Nissen (2019)
Ideological Asymmetry in the Reach of Pro-Russian Digital Disinformation to United States Audiences, Journal of Communication, Vol. 69, No. 2, 168–192.
Adler-Nissen, R and A Drieckowa (2019)
Track-Change Diplomacy: Technology, Affordances, and the Practice of International Negotiations, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 3, 531–545.
Adler-Nissen, R and A Tsinovoi (2019)
International misrecognition: The politics of humour and national identity in Israel’s public diplomacy, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 25, No. 1, 3-29.
Golovchenko, Y, M Hartmann and R Adler Nissen (2018)
State,media and civilsociety in the information warfare over Ukraine: citizen curators of digital disinformation, International Affairs, Vol. 94, No. 5, 975-994.
Adler-Nissen, R, C Galpin and B Rosamond (2017)
Performing Brexit:How a post-Brexitworld is imagined outside the United Kingdom, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 3, 573-591.
Adler-Nissen, R (2016)
The Social Self in International Relations: Identity, Power and the Symbolic Interactionist Roots of Constructivism, European Review of International Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3, 27–39.
Adler-Nissen, R (2016)
Towards a Practice Turn in EU Studies: The Everyday of European Integration*, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, 87-103.
KKAdler-Nissen, R (2015)
Just Greasing the Wheels? Mediating Difference or the Evasion of Power and Responsibility in Diplomacy, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 10, No. 1, 22- 28.
Adler-Nissen, R and K Kropp (2015)
A Sociology of Knowledge Approach to European Integration: Four Analytical Principles, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 37, No. 2, 155- 173.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities, Norms and Order in International Society, International Organization, Vol. 68, No. 1, 143–176.
Adler-Nissen, R and V Pouliot (2014)
Power in practice: Negotiating the international Intervention in Libya, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 4, 889-911. Winner of the European International Studies Association prize for best journal article of 2014.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
Symbolic power in European diplomacy: the struggle between national foreign services and the EU’s External Action Service, Review of International Studies, Vol. 40, No. 4, 657-681.
Adler-Nissen, R and U Gad (2014)
Introduction: Postimperial sovereignty games in the nordic Region, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 49, No. 1, 3-32.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
The Faroe Islands: Independence dreams, globalist separatism and the Europeanization of postcolonial home rule, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 49, No. 1, 55- 79.
Parker, N and R Adler-Nissen (2012)
Picking and Choosing the ‘Sovereign’ Border: A Theory of Changing State Bordering Practices, Geopolitics, 17/4, 773-796.
(reprinted in Nick Vaughan-Williams and Noel Parker (eds) (2014) Critical Border Studies, London: Routledge).
Adler-Nissen, R (2011)
On a Field Trip with Bourdieu, International Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 327–330.
Adler-Nissen, R (2011)
Opting Out of an Ever Closer Union: The Integration Doxa and the Management of Sovereignty, West European Politics, Vol. 34, No. 5, 1092-1113.
Adler-Nissen, R (2009)
Late Sovereign Diplomacy, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 4, No. 2, 121-141.
(reprinted as ‘European Union Diplomacy’ in IB Neumann and H Leira (eds) (2013), International Diplomacy, Four Volume-Set, London: Sage (Sage Library of International Relations), vol. III)
Adler-Nissen, R (2009)
Behind the Scenes of Differentiated Integration: Circumventing National Opt-Outs in Justice and Home Affairs, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 16, No. 1, 62-80.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
The Diplomacy of Opting Out: A Bourdieudian Approach to National Integration Strategies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, 663-684.
Adler-Nissen, R and K Kropp eds. (2015)
A Sociology of Knowledge Approach to European Integration: Four Analytical Principles, [Special Issue], Journal of European Integration, Vol. 37, No. 2, 155-173.
Adler-Nissen, R and U Gad eds. (2014)
Post-imperial Sovereignty Games in the Nordic region, [Special Issue], Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 49, No. 1, 3-32.
Book chapters
Adler-Nissen, R and L Halvard (2022)
Diplomatic studies.
In Cameron Thies (ed.) Handbook of International Relations, Edward Edgar. (Forthcoming)
Adler-Nissen, R (2017)
Are we ‘Lazy Greeks’ or ‘Nazi Germans? Negotiating International Hierarchies in the Euro Crisis. In Ayse Zarakol (ed.), Hierarchies in World Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 198-218.
Adler-Nissen, R (2015)
Theorising the EU’s diplomatic service: Rational player or social body?. In D. Spence & J. Batora (eds.), The European External Action Service: European Diplomacy Post-Westphalia, Palgrave Macmillan (The European Union in International Affairs series), pp. 17-40.
Adler-Nissen, R (2015)
Conclusion: Relationalism: Why diplomats find international relations theory strange. In O. J Sending, V Pouliot and I.B. Neumann (eds.) Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in International Relations series), pp. 284-308.
Adler-Nissen, R (2015)
‘Diplomatic Agency’. In C Constantinou, P Kerr, P Sharp (eds) SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy, also member of the editorial board of The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy, pp. 92-103.
Adler-Nissen, R (2015)
Through the EU’s Back and Front Doors: Norway’s and Denmark’s Selective Approaches in the Area of Freedom, Justice and Security. In C. Grøn, P. Nedergaard and Anders Wivel (eds.) The Nordic Countries and the European Union: Still the ‘Other’ European Community?, London: Routledge, pp. 188-205.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
Justice and home affairs: Denmark as an active differential European. In L Miles and A Wivel (eds.) Denmark and the European Union, Routledge, pp. 65-79.
Adler-Nissen, R (2013)
European Union Diplomacy. In IB Neumann and H Leira (eds.)
International Diplomacy, Four Volume-Set, London: Sage (Sage Library of International Relations), vol. III.
Adler-Nissen, R (2013)
European Diplomats: State Nobility and the Invention of a New Social Group. In N Kauppi and M Madsen (eds.) Transnational Power Elites: The New Professionals of Governance, Law and Security. London, Routledge (Routledge Studies in Liberty and Security), pp. 65-79.
Adler-Nissen, R (ed.) (2012)
Introduction: Bourdieu and International Relations theory. In R Adler-Nissen (ed.) Bourdieu in International Relations: Rethinking Key Concepts in IR London, Routledge (New International Relations Series), pp. 1-23.
Parker, N and R Adler-Nissen (2012)
Picking and Choosing the ‘Sovereign’ Border: A Theory of Changing State Bordering Practices. In N Parker and N Vaughan-Williams (eds.), Critical Border Studies, London: Routledge, pp. 773-796.
Adler-Nissen, R (2012)
Sovereignty: The state’s symbolic power and transnational fields. In R Adler-Nissen (ed.), Bourdieu in International Relations: Rethinking Key Concepts in IR. London, Routledge (New International Relations Series), pp. 179-192.
Adler-Nissen, R and U Gad (2012)
Conclusion: When European and Postcolonial Studies Meet. In R Adler-Nissen and UP Gad (eds.), European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories. London, Routledge (New International Relations), pp. 235-245
Gad, U and R Adler-Nissen (2012)
Introduction: Postcolonial Sovereignty Games. In R Adler-Nissen & UP Gad (eds.), European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories. London, Routledge (New International Relations), pp. 1-24.
Hannibal, I, K Holst, U Gad and R Adler-Nissen (2012)
European Union: Facilitating the OCTs in Brussels. In R Adler-Nissen & UP Gad (eds), European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories. London, Routledge (New International Relations), pp. 77-101.
Adler-Nissen, R and T Gammeltoft-Hansen (2010)
Straitjacket or Sovereignty Shield? The Danish Opt-Out on Justice and Home Affairs and Prospects after the Treaty of Lisbon, Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2010, Copenhagen, Danish Institute for International Studies, pp. 137-161.
Adler-Nissen, R (2011)
From Left to Right: The Transformation of Eurosceptic Discourses in Denmark. In R Harmsen & J Schild Debating Europe: The 2009 European Parliament Elections and Beyond, Berlin: Nomos, 107-123.
Adler-Nissen, R (2009)
The European Security and Defence Policy: From Distant Dream to Joint Action. In Handbook of International Organisations, Copenhagen: Royal Danish Defence College, pp.55-86.
Gammeltoft-Hansen, T and R Adler-Nissen (2008)
An Introduction to Sovereignty Games. In Adler-Nissen, R & Gammeltoft-Hansen, TG (eds.) Sovereignty Games. Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and beyond. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1-17.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
Organized Duplicity?: When States Opt Out of the European Union. In Adler-Nissen, R & Gammeltoft-Hansen, T (eds.), Sovereignty Games. Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and beyond, Macmillan, New York, pp. 81-103.
Adler-Nissen, R and T Gammeltoft-Hansen (2008)
Epilogue: Three Layers of a Contested Concept. In Adler-Nissen, R & Gammeltoft-Hansen, T (eds.), Sovereignty Games. Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Europe and beyond, Macmillan: New York, pp. 197-209.
Kjær, CV, N Johansen, SV Marjanovic, R Baglini and R Adler-Nissen (2022)
Misinformation, social status og latterliggørelse: en undersøgelse af danskeres spredning af og reaktioner på Covid-19 misinformation på Twitter, Politica, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 129–147.
Hjorth, F and R Adler-Nissen (2021)
Påvirker Mediedækning af ‘Fake News’ Borgeres Modtagelighed for Misinformation og Korrektioner?, Politica, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 150-167.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
The view from Copenhagen: Strategies of imperial control and the making of loyal middlemen in the Danish empire, Internasjonal Politik, 3, pp. 311-336.
Adler-Nissen, R (2012)
Formandskabets prioriteter: Når EU’s dagsorden bliver en national ambition, Økonomi og Politik, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 4-14.
Adler-Nissen, R (2011)
Diplomati og demokrati i et differentieret Europa. In D. Martinsen & M Wind (eds.), EU som et politisk system – udviklinger og udfordringer. Et festskrift til Morten Kelstrup, København: Columbus.
Adler-Nissen, R (2011)
Legitimitetskriser. In M Marcussen and K Ronit (eds.), Kriser, Politik og Forvaltning: de internationale udfordringer, København, Hans Reitzels Forlag.
Gad, U, I Hannibal, K Holst and R Adler-Nissen (2011)
EUs oversøiske lande og territorier: Postkoloniale suverænitetsspil og Grønlands arktiske muligheder, Tidsskriftet Politik, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 15-24.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
Det differentierede Europa: En revolution af integrationsprocessen?, Økonomi & Politik, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 3-12.
Adler-Nissen, R and T Gammeltoft-Hansen (2008)
Retsforbeholdet: Et forbehold ude af kontrol?, Økonomi & Politik, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 35-43.
Adler-Nissen, R (2006)
Den store klassefest?: Kliker og sammenhold i EU, i Jørgensen, D (eds.), Eurovisioner. Essays om fremtidens Europa, København: Informations Forlag. pp. 25- 42.
Adler-Nissen, R (2005)
Bremsen og speederen: Nationale forbehold og forstærket samarbejde i EU, Tidsskriftet Politik, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 6-16 (winner of best paper at the Social Science Student conference, Roskilde University, 2005).
Knudsen, T and R Adler-Nissen (2005)
Dronningerunder og regeringsdannelser, Tidsskriftet Politik, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 67-76.
Adler-Nissen, R (2003)
Politologiens pionerer – en samtale med Erling Bjøl, Politologiske Studier, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 78-85.
Rothstein, B, R Adler-Nissen and T Knudsen (2004)
Institutioner. In T Knudsen (ed.): Kernebegreber i Politik, Copenhagen: Thomson, pp. 25-42.
Book reviews
Adler-Nissen, R (2020)
Review of Face-to-Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations. By Marcus Holmes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018’ Perspectives on Politics Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 337-339.
Adler-Nissen, R (2015)
Review of Blaming Europe: Responsibility Without Accountability in the European Union. By Sara B. Hobolt and James Tilley. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 914-915.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
Review of Audie Klotz and Cecilia Lynch: Strategies for Research in Constructivist International Relations. M.E. Sharpe, 2007, Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 309-311.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
Review of Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (ed.), Debates on European Integration: A Reader. Palgrave, 2006, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 676- 677.
Adler-Nissen, R (2007)
Review of CH Church and D. Phinnemore: Understanding the European Constitution: An Introduction to the EU Constitutional Treaty. Routledge, 2006, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 519-519.
Adler-Nissen, R (2006)
Review of Michael Longo: Constitutionalising Europe: Processes and Practices, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 1115-1116.
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
Contribution on Denmark to the European Council on Foreign Relations: European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014, Brussels: ECFR.
Adler-Nissen, R (2012)
Diplomacy as Impression Management: Strategic Face – Work and Post-Colonial Embarrassment, CIPSS Working Paper, Montreal: McGill University, pp. 1-39.
Sørensen, C, J Nielsen and R Adler-Nissen (2012)
The Danish EU Presidency 2012: A Midterm Report, SIEPS Research Paper and mid-term report, Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.
Manners, I, C Sørensen, M Rasmussen, R Adler-Nissen, T Gammeltoft-Hansen, T Flockhart, N Rasmussen, M Marcussen, E Ersbøll, J Kelstrup and A Møller (2008)
De danske forbehold overfor den Europæiske Union: Udviklingen siden 2000, [report for the Danish Parliament on the consequences of the Danish EU opt-outs, Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies.
Commissioned work
Adler-Nissen, R (2014)
‘Contribution on Denmark to the European Council on Foreign Relations: European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014, Brussels: ECFR
Adler-Nissen, R, J Hassing and C Sørensen (2012)
’The Danish EU Presidency‘. SIEPS Research Paper and mid-term report, Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.
Adler-Nissen, R (2008)
De danske forbehold overfor den Europæiske Union: Udviklingen siden 2000, [report for the Danish Parliament on the consequences of the Danish EU opt-outs] (with I Manners et al.), Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies.